The pleasant feel of felt conveys a feeling of warmth and ensures well-being. Wool felt is also abrasion-resistant and the natural wool greases prevent dirt from penetrating quickly. These practical advantages make wool felt a resistant and durable material, available in different and custom-made versions, ideal for this area.

St Lamberti Church Oldenburg


HEY-SIGN chair and bench coverings of wool felt.
Concept/architecture: H. Hirche.

Photographer: Pastor Dr. Ralph Hennings.

Chapel of the community St. Simon and Thaddäus Otzenrath


HEY-SIGN chair and bench coverings of wool felt.
Concept/completion: dbap Dewey + Blohm-Schröder Architects, Viersen.

Kreuzkirche Dortmund


HEY-SIGN chair and bench coverings of wool felt.
Concept/completion: carpenter Ulrich Michels, Duisburg.

Photographer: Reimund Braun.

Columbarium Osnabrück


HEY-SIGN chair and bench coverings of wool felt.
Concept/architecture: Klodwig & Partner architects, Münster.

Photographer: Mr. Wachsmann, Osnabrück.

Kardinal Hengsbach Haus Dortmund


HEY-SIGN chair and bench coverings of wool felt.
Concept/completion: carpenter Ulrich Michels, Duisburg.

Photographer: Reimund Braun.

St. Severin Church Hanerau Hadermarschen


HEY-SIGN chair and bench coverings of wool felt.
Concept/completion: ppp-architekten Petersen Pörksen Partner, Hamburg.